Do you jump before you are ready?
You will never feel ready. Life is about the experience, if we fear pursuing our dreams and do nothing, we will never know what might have been. Doing nothing may feel safe but it prevents us from learning. Have no regrets. If it is something that moves you to action you should go for it.
Feel the fear and do it anyway.
Look back on your life for what you did, not what you wish you had done. A life of no regrets. I am not saying I have it all sewn up, but life is what you make it, most often I struggle to act. Do I get scared and think "what if it all goes wrong?" Yes. Now I am not saying make uncalculated risks, I am saying sometimes you have to take a risk in order to grow. Sometimes that is when we do not feel ready.
Make a small investment in yourself today
Invest in yourself today that might be exercise or learn a new skill, connect with someone.
Get out there and make some memories. The world needs you.
We need your gift more now than ever, we need you. Don't tell me you don't have anything to offer the world because you do. You are beautiful and bring something unique to this world.
As for dreams, they may be common but every invention began as a thought in someone's life.