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Trip to London Autism friendly show

On the train home now with my wife and our eldest son.  We've had a busy trip to London.  Pizza hut, the theatre, dropping to the floor a fee times when the world became too scary.  Too many people, too much noise bit he coped very well. His first trip to London without a buggy and our first to Pizza Hut with him.

Walking to the sound of let me shine  An amazing song sung by other children with autism from Priors Court School. Recorded at Abbey Road last year.  "I am not broken, I am unique all I want is for you to believe in me. One step at a time, stand next to me walk by my side you and I are friends for life. 
Accept me for who I am and let me shine, let me shine. 

This he played wherever we went. Even the bird ladies in the Lion King performance danced to the beat and enjoyed the words  of this song. We will continue to spread awareness.


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