No Money and in Lockdown but There is Always Hope
Currently we are isolated in our homes due to the coronovirus (COVID-19) Families are suddenly thrown together for long periods of time. Only allowed out once a day for exercise, or to go to the shops for essential items (such as food) or to collect medications or see our GP. The spread of this virus has been widespread and fast. On writing our prime minister, health secretary and most senior medical officer for England have been diagnosed or experiencing symptoms of this virus. It is a bit like an apocalypse film except this is real life none of knowing when this will end or if we will make it out alive. This isn't just a one country problem it is a pandemic meaning it is affecting every part of the world.
It all seems pretty bleak doesn't it but there are some things to positive things to take from this:
Viruses are no respecter of persons, money or status. We are all on an equal playing field vulnerable to it's attack. People's lives are becoming held in greater value than company profits and the economy which is how it should be. Boris Johnson and his Government are offering extreme financial support to people who find they have been laid off or are at risk of being laid off due to the coronovirus.
The community spirit - people are supporting each other like never before since the Second World War. Doctors and nurses are making huge potentially life changing sacrifices for the common good. 400,000 volunteers have come forward to help the NHS and social care services by being drivers, befrienders and so on.
More people are choosing to focus on what is important like spending time with our close families.
Being in isolation we have lots of opportunities to learn new skills, catch up with friends via social media apps. (Such as WhatsApp and Skype)
Opportunities of IT - Many of us are becoming problem solvers accepting the situation and looking at how we can work around it. Such as not being able to meet up with friends so instead we may facetime or use group chat apps such as zoom. The effects on the mental health of many people across the world have been affected. Without social media (IT) we would not be able to keep in contact with outside world.
Exercise - Despite isolation a lot of celebrities have been producing daily interactive exercise videos on YouTube. Not to mention yoga and opportunities to meditate.
Universities such as the open university have offered free courses on a range of diverse subjects, again these will enable people to add much needed skills to their CV. People may decide to change take a change of career after all this is over. Businesses are having to get used to their employees working remotely from home.
The greatest thing is people are surviving the coronovirus such as my step brother who has been fighting for his life over the past 2-3 weeks. He is finally able to breathe without the need for oxygen and has been discharged home.
Let us remember this time as a tough one but also look back and think of it as a positive time.
This is a surreal time where it feels like the whole of humankind is imprisoned in different cells right across the world. We cannot physically be with each other as any of us could be carrying the virus without knowing it and spread it to others. However we can see each other on social media platforms.
Isolation with a child who has special needs
We have 3 children with autism, two of whom are non-verbal. Our youngest is verbal but does not have the understanding of a child his age. Routines are extremely important, however at this time routines are near on impossible as schools are closed and all public places apart from food shops and so on are also closed. It is hard for adults to understand what is going on at the moment let alone a child with additional needs including communication delay. Each day has been different engaging in different activities with our youngest child. There have been meltdowns but after one week it seems as if he is getting used to this new normal of being at home. The great thing has been the glorious sunshine we have experienced which has meant we have been able to spend a huge amount of time in the garden. Our older two boys were due to come home today for the weekend but instead we decided they should stay at school for their safety. They are due to come home in two weeks time for their Easter break. As things stand we will not be able to have any support from a carer over the holidays but this doesn't fill us with dread yet as it is out of our control and we are focusing on the problems of the present rather than worrying about future. We will cross that bridge when we come to it is my current favourite phrase.
There is much that could be said about this time but I think I will leave it here for now and leave you with these parting words:
Enjoy the time we have in the present for our time here is short. We need to focus our energy on making good memories for ourselves and our children. I challenge you to come out of your comfort zone and try something new today.
Take Care my friends