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Showing posts from November, 2021

What about me? Putting others first.

 Why do I always put others feelings first? What about me?  Half the time I think I am doing them a favour but they don't like.  I end up feeling upset with myself and the people I try to please aren't pleased anyway. So why do I always try to please them. What about me? If I start by trying to please myself first then at least one person is happy.  Like the type of music I play I love classical music when I need to relax my senses and get creative.  But I assume my passengers hate it.  I edit my playlist for them ahh Neil Diamond noooo! Move onto the Bee Gees, the Beatles or Rolling Stones.  Yes they'll like that I think.  But what if they don't?  What if they don't care. What then.  I am the unhappy one, yes me!  Don't I deserve to be happy just once?  My therapist said 'it is not your job to provide happiness for other people.' Only they can do that.  This thought really has hurt me but the worst thing is I can't stop p...